. . . . . I also had a major fail moment.
When they asked what my favorite Kpop group was and why I liked them, i could think. My mind went black!!! I had to think really hard and remember FT Island, and I started asking myself why I LOVE FT Island!!! I didn't know . . .total fail! :( Sorry FT Island and Primadonna's, I tried to be cool. it just didn't work . . .
For the rest of the interview I was questioning if what I said about them was really how I felt and if I said everything I wanted... I'm still not sure I did.
The scariest part about it is the article will be translated into Korean, so there is a potential for the members of FT Island to read what I said and know how much have a dork I am!
I also just updated the request list . . .it is way to long. Minions, you need to vote on our home page so we can get this system a bit more functional! If it doesn't start working soon I will look like this ----->
YOU DON'T WANT THAT! so please use the Voting system!
Now Katie and I are going to play Super Mario Brothers
Yeah, we are that cool!! Be jealous!!
<3 you Minions!!
Oh Mindy, I'm sure it was fiiine~! I'm sure you managed to show how much of a Primadonna you are, sooo it's all goood... :D - And if people don't like your adorkableness then they are ... umm... not cool anyway ^__^ Btw.. You make me laugh :DD heehee..